When to Splurge in Your Practice

I’m often asked where new private practitioners should scrimp vs where they should splurge. I have some fairly strong opinions on this after 10 years of practice and want to share them with you. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but my hope is that the explanations will help you assess the  various options that come up for you.

Let’s talk about Return on Investment (ROI, this ROI isn’t Release of Information). When you get into your own business, ROI is a very important aspect of how and why you spe…

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When to Scrimp in Your Practice

I’m often asked where new private practitioners should scrimp vs where they should splurge. I have some fairly strong opinions on this after 10+ years of practice and want to share them with you. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but my hope is that the explanations will help you assess the  various options that come up for you.

Let’s talk about Return on Investment (ROI, this ROI isn’t Release of Information). When you get into your own business, ROI is a very important aspect of how and why you sp…

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Stop Cheating On Your Practice With Your Job

Wondering when you should leave that full time job?

For those of you juggling a full time job, a private practice, and y’know Life, hats off to you. I was in your position for about 5 years and looking back, I honestly don’t know how I did it. You’re awesome and I want life to get easier for you very soon.

While I can’t wave a magic wand and make you emotionally or financially ready to make the leap, I do want to give you a few things to think about.

Questions to ask yourself: 
  1. In business, are…

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Pregnancy and Maternity Leave in Private Practice: EVERYTHING You Need to Know

Yesterday I had to cancel two clients because I couldn’t stop puking. How’s that for an intro?! And by yesterday, I mean the day I wrote this… I’m going to hold on to it until it’s time to tell you guys that I’m pregnant. I didn’t have this problem when I was pregnant with my daughter or with the pregnancies we lost. It didn’t occur to me that I’d have to cancel on anyone because I’m very rarely sick and I basically have to be told to take time off by my husband for it to even occur to me. I kno…

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Raising Your Fees Could Make You a Better Clinician

Contrary to the subtle & not-so-subtle messages you got in grad school, having people pay real money for the services you provide doesn’t make you an awful person. In fact, it may make you more effective.

I recently raised my fee to $150 per session. It had been $125 per session for 4 years and it felt like time for a raise. Plus I’ve been elbow deep in my own money work and decided to practice what I preach. I had the response you might also have when you raise your rates: fear that no one will …

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Go ahead & call me a traitor

People love to hate on insurance companies. I get it, they can be a pain, require diagnosis, reimburse as little as they can get away with and require a whole extra step that you as a business owner then have to manage (or pay someone else to manage). As a practice-builder, I'm not supposed to encourage you to even consider managed care. I'm supposed to say "follow your private pay dream! And I do! When the circumstances are right.

Do you have more than nine months of living expenses saved up?An …

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