Doing It Your Way, Enjoy Work

I had an eye-opening experience a few days ago. Agnes Wainman’s awesome Blissful Practice Facebook Group (similar vibe as the Abundance Facebook Group… hop in both!)  had an “Ask Me Anything” with storyteller extraordinaire Marisa Goudy.

Who To Trust

Like many of you, I’m constantly learning: reading blogs, listening to podcasts, diligently underlining whatever book I’m reading (pro tip: keep an index card as a bookmark and use it to make straight lines). Lately I’ve been on an efficiency kick. …

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10 Myths to Bust About Using an Online Business Manager

Our common friend Jo Muirhead suggested Frances and I meet. On Skype, across the country, I was floored by her experience and what Frances is up to.  If you’re one of those clinicians that really struggles to get your business shit together, Frances is your woman. She’s was the director for a big counseling practice, managing the business side for the company. As the owner of My Solution Services, she is passionate about making our jobs, and thus our lives, easier so we can do what we do best. I…

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Tell Me What To Do

The Mastermind Group I’m in is comprised of 4 entrepreneurial women. We’ve all started two or more businesses. We’re fairly strong personalities. We would all identify as feminist and tend to have a healthy amount of confidence. I say this so the following sentiment is kept in context.

We want to be told what to do. Keep your mind out of the Fifty Shades gutter… not like that. There are parts of each of our businesses that we genuinely just want some expert to tell us what to do because we reall…

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The Private Practice Roller Coaster Ride

There are two ways to ride roller coasters: holding on or arms in the air. The same can be said for the private practice roller coaster ride you are all on.

I know, you’re supposed to keep contained within your little car of metal and foam padding, but man the exhilaration sometimes causes even a rule follower like me to throw my hands in the air with a hearty fun-filled scream.

And there’s also the fact that they’re terrifying sometimes, and not in the fun way. Did you guys see that report of th…

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Creating Physical & Digital Space

Have you noticed what happens to your space as your life gets more hectic? Your house gets messier, your car starts to look a bit trashed, your desk gets covered with piles? Then it feels overwhelming when you come home to the clutter, drive to work in the clutter, open your office door to clutter. Life feels more chaotic. While I believe your office needs to be clean enough that it isn’t distracting to your clients, I’m going to make a case for your home and car to be cleanish as well. I swear …

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When You Screw Up

It’s going to happen. You’re going to screw up somehow. You’re going to be well-intentioned but distracted or think you’re making the right choice and realize later that you were way off base. Whether it’s an expensive marketing blunder or double booking clients, you may have a momentary, strong desire to retreat back to an agency. Your inner critic may say something like, “See, I told you you’re not up to this!” Slow your roll. Let’s talk about it.

Simplify your organizational systems. I had 3 …

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Shortcuts to Getting Paperwork Done

Today’s seemingly unsexy topic will actually help you build clientele. Really! Let me explain why.

We’ve all been there. Somehow we got behind on your notes. Boring, awful, annoying notes. If you work in an agency, you’re probably VERY familiar with this, but you have some sort of system that makes you get it done by a certain time (audits, standard of care agreements, bosses). If you’re in private practice, though you’re likely seeing fewer people and have more down time, it’s easy to get behind…

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