Fear of Being Seen

I got to consult with Wesley Little in June. She’s a total go-getter. Even while talking about places that she needs help, she comes across as confident. Her website comes across as confident. So I was really excited that she pitched this fear of being seen blog post. We often don’t realize that the part of us that other people see isn’t always reflective of what we feel. Especially when we’re quaking in our boots. As I read the following post, I just kept nodding my head. I’ve sooooo been there…

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Supporting Suicide Survivors With Nate Wagner

When Nate Wagner and I first spoke in 2015 I was struck by his passion for his practice and supporting those who have lost loved ones to suicide. His memoir, Sibling Suicide: Journey from Despair to Hope, tells his story from his perspective as a brother and as a clinician. He is very generously offering the first two chapters for free here (though I suggest you buy the whole thing).

Suicide is one of those issues that most of us therapists are very uncomfortable with. With the holiday season, i…

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SEO for Therapists using Squarespace

Jeff Guenther of The Practice Academy has been so helpful to many of you in the Abundance Practice Builders Facebook Group (Hop in!) so I was thrilled he agreed to write a post about increasing your Search Engine Optimization (SEO), especially when he wanted to make it specific to Squarespace.

If you’re like me, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by this stuff. My I-don’t-do-tech brain starts to freak out and tell me I can’t do it. Jeff makes it easy. He breaks it down into manageable steps and shows…

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What To Expect Your First Year, Part 1

When I first started working with folks who’d experienced trauma I used a handout. A you’re-not-crazy-these-reactions-are-normal-for-this-circumstance list of symptoms with brief descriptions of why. One of the members of the Abundance Facebook Group (jump in!) said it would be helpful to have a list of normative experiences in the early days of your practice. A brilliant suggestion and I’m happy to flesh it out like that list I used back in the day.

I’m not going to pretend like there’s ONE exp…

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A Partner's Perspective

After publishing When Partners Have Concerns, a counselor requested a post from the perspective of a partner to share with his wife. I thought this was a pretty brilliant suggestion and immediately knew who I wanted to ask. 

I'd like to introduce you guys to my good friend, Jeff Hardesty. When my husband and I moved to Seattle, Jeff and his wife Allison were among the first people we met (you first met Allison in my maternity leave blog post). They invited us to a party a couple days later that …

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10 Myths to Bust About Using an Online Business Manager

Our common friend Jo Muirhead suggested Frances and I meet. On Skype, across the country, I was floored by her experience and what Frances is up to.  If you’re one of those clinicians that really struggles to get your business shit together, Frances is your woman. She’s was the director for a big counseling practice, managing the business side for the company. As the owner of My Solution Services, she is passionate about making our jobs, and thus our lives, easier so we can do what we do best. I…

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Healing From Client-Related Trauma

*Trigger warning: description of violence follows*

I have a scar from a client, a man twice my weight, who locked his jaw on me and wouldn’t let go. I was once restrained by a young but strong girl and didn’t know how I was going to get out of it. As a house parent at 19 years old, I was placed alone with two men in their mid-30’s who had sexually assaulted a young woman and I wasn’t told about it, nor did I have access to their chart, until months in. A co-worker I traded shifts with was once pu…

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