Podcast Format Changes

Abundant Practice Podcast Allison Puryear

Podcast Format Changes

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In this episode, Allison discusses changes to the Abundant Practice Podcast format.

Podcasts will come out on Wednesdays.

  • The 1st Wednesday of the month we’ll have a mini-training based on the issues I hear come up the most.
  • The 2nd Wednesdays will be a mini-consultation just like the Consult Mondays you know and love.
  • The 3rd Wednesday will be a What I Wish I Said Interview with another consultant who listened to the previous week’s call (so the same as the What I Wish I Said Wednesdays of yore)
  • The 4th Wednesday will be a Niche Deep Dive. I’ll choose a niche and talk about the specifics of marketing to those folks and where to find & reach referral sources for that niche. And yes, I’d love suggestions on which niches you’d like.
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Allison Puryear, LCSW, CEDS of Abundance Practice-Building

Allison Puryear Abundance Practice BuildingAllison Puryear is an LCSW with a nearly diagnosable obsession with business development. She has started practices in three different cities and wants you to know that building a private practice is shockingly doable when you have a plan and support. You can download a free private practice checklist to make sure you have your ducks in a row, get weekly private practice tips, and join the Abundance Practice-Building Group to gain the confidence and tools you need to succeed.


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