Marketing Your Online Practice w/ Amber Lyda

Abundant Practice Podcast Allison Puryear

Marketing an Online Practice w/ Amber Lyda

Marketing Online Practice

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In this week's podcast, 'Marketing Your Online Practice', we discuss:
  • How and where to check regulations for starting an online practice per your state and license.
  • Online therapy is your mode of delivery, your niche is your ideal client.
  • Do you still need to market in person? Yes!
  • Where online directories fit into marketing as an online provider.
  • The need for a formal internet presence, and a potentially unique one.

Abundance Party

Podcast Transcript

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Amber Lyda of Dr. Amber Lyda

Amber Lyda Quote

Amber LydaAmber Lyda has a full time ONLINE private practice and helps others to build theirs!  Amber left behind a ten hour a week commute, a fifty or more hour work week, and lots and lots of bureaucracy for building a business in her guest bedroom.  In her first year of going at this full time, she’s projected to make 64K.  In year two, she’s projected to clear six figures.  She’s never run a private practice before. If she can do it, you can too.

Amber has worked in mental health for twenty years, and as a licensed psychologist for ten.  Those last ten years were spent in University Counseling Centers where she saw a growing need for continuity of care for graduating students but no way to meet the need as they moved across the state for jobs, families and their next adventures.  She dreamed of an online private practice nearly a decade ago!

Amber is an innovator, but also a rule follower.  When she first considered online therapy, the rules just weren’t there to follow.  The demand for online psychotherapy left legislators and leaders in ethics racing to catch up.  In 2015, Amber was looking for her own therapist. She found her fit several cities away.  There was no way she could add any more to an already taxing commute so she asked if it was possible to do the work online. The therapist agreed.  Seeing how well online therapy worked for herself, she went back again to review the literature on efficacy, the laws governing the practice, and the ethical guidelines that had evolved.  She was sold!

Today, she enjoys providing online psychotherapy from the comfort of her home or “home of the week” if she’s traveling. She has more time with her family, dogs, and (gasp!) with herself to do all of the things she encourages her clients to do - personal therapy, yoga, exercise, meditation, walks on the beach, or just reading.  And, because she makes it easy for her clients to access services, they have more time for those same wonderful self-care habits too!

You can get in touch with Amber through email at or on her website at

Allison Puryear, LCSW, CEDS of Abundance Practice-Building

Allison Puryear Abundance Practice BuildingAllison Puryear is an LCSW with a nearly diagnosable obsession with business development. She has started practices in three different cities and wants you to know that building a private practice is shockingly doable when you have a plan and support. You can download a free private practice checklist to make sure you have your ducks in a row, get weekly private practice tips, and join the Abundance Practice-Building Group to gain the confidence and tools you need to succeed.


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