Episode #337: Practice Money Management: Tactical & Emotional Foundations with Linzy Bonham

We're thrilled to welcome Linzy Bonham, MSW, RSW, to today's podcast. Tune in as she & Allison explore the importance of financial boundaries, emotional skills for money management, what it means to "run the numbers", & what an effective tax rate is & how to determine yours. Sponsored by: Money Nuts & Bolts: Grab your spot in Linzy Bonham’s FREE 1-hour masterclass, “The 4-Step Framework to Get Your Business Finances Totally in Order” by visiting: https://register.moneyskillsfortherapists.com/abundance TherapyNotes™: TherapyNotes™ is the #1 rated EHR system for behavioral health professionals & now features e-prescribe. For a free two-month trial, click here or enter promo code Abundant at www.TherapyNotes.com.

About Linzy Bonham, MSW, RSW

I’m a therapist in private practice turned money coach who helps therapists feel calm and in control of their finances.

As the daughter of an accountant, I inherited a good dose of bookkeeping brain. I’m like half therapist, half bookkeeper. So when I went into private practice I dug right into all the ways to build a healthy business that pays for my life and always has extra money in the bank.

I also saw my super skilled colleagues struggle with the money side of business. Some had even left private practice, or were avoiding starting one, because the money side was too stressful.

So I put my lucky combination of people and money skills together, and Money Nuts & Bolts was born.

I help therapists develop peace of mind about their money. Since so many of us were never taught about money, I focus on the “how” of making the financial side of private practice doable, and even super satisfying (feeling competent and calm about your money is pretty swell!)

My signature course, Money Skills For Therapists has helped dozens of therapists in (or about to start) private practice get their finances in order and change their relationship with money. 



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