Episode #375: You Don't Need an MBA; You Just Need a Treatment Plan, feat. Kasey Compton

Guest Kasey Compton joins us on the podcast today! Tune in as she & Allison explain the vital role of accountability, how solo practitioners struggle with lifestyle congruence, & how to separate the symptom of your business' struggle from the core need.

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About Kasey Compton

Kasey Compton is on a mission to help business owners find their entrepreneurial confidence. She went from bankrupt to Boss Babe when she took her first company from zero to three million in less than three years without ditching her life to do it. She owns three other businesses that have accumulated assets of over two million and are growing by the day.

Her superpowers include cutting through the clutter to identify a strategic starting point, increasing efficiency through systems, and tapping into a person’s highest potential. She helps others by designing maps for their entrepreneurial journeys, while she stands confidently as their guide.
