Risks of Full Time Work and Private Practice

Abundant Practice Podcast Allison Puryear

Consult Monday

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Lindsay Melka of Empathic Counseling and Psychotherapy

Lindsay MelkaLindsay Melka, LPC is based in Denver, CO. She is the founder of Empathic Counseling and Therapy, a psychotherapy practice that specializes in counseling individuals who struggle with shame, insecurity and personal relationships. She has worked in the field of addictions for over a decade and has overcome her own personal battles, ultimately, transforming her life. After years of varying therapeutic work, she has found her true calling is simply connecting with folks who have trouble connecting. She loves her catahoula leapord dog “Page,” exotic scents, Maui beaches, worldly novels and music. You can stay up to date on her Facebook page where she regularly blogs and shares new info on new and intriguing topics in the therapy world, or on her website.

For Consult Monday, we discuss:

Lindsay Melka & I discuss:

Lindsay Melka joins us to tell her story about her transition to private practice, finding balance, and how to have faith to take that leap to put herself first -  to the benefit of her clients, herself, and her practice.
  • The Importance of finding support.
  • Lifting up other therapists in the community.
  • The need to stop stigmatizing other therapists in the community for getting help themselves.

Lindsay Melka

This week’s podcast was sponsored by Brew Your Practice. Join Allison, Joe Sanok, and Jane Carter for 2 days of practice building and fun in Asheville, NC in October.


What I Wish I'd Said Wednesday

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Jamie Stacks of Conway Counseling & Wellness Center

Jaime StacksAfter my own path to burnout, I found my way back. I learned how to find the balance. I am a better partner, mother, and clinician. Better yet, I really love who I am. I now seek to know and trust my innate intuition and always learn with the intent to teach. I must honor my highest self and lead, teach and heal with love and light.

I am a psychotherapist a self-care consultant, a presenter and a teacher.   I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister and an aunt.  I am a friend and so many other things.  Most of all I am real and I am me.  I love what I do and am honored to get to help people navigate life and the things it throws at us.

I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and have been practicing since 1998.  I have been approved as a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor and I am a Registered Yoga Teacher.

For What I Wish I'd Said Wednesday we discuss:
  • Self care as an ethical imperative for clinicians - it’s not a frivolity.
  • Burnout is unexpected and even the best therapist can’t anticipate it.
  • The importance of proactively creating a self care plan that fits our interests or lifestyle.
  • Spend time wisely - not just scrolling  through your phone.
  • Create an intentional use of time that encompasses what you need and what you want to accomplish for self care, that becomes a routine and not a checklist.

Jamie Stacks

This week’s podcast was sponsored by Brew Your Practice. Join Allison, Joe Sanok, and Jane Carter for 2 days of practice building and fun in Asheville, NC in October.


Follow Through Friday

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Allison Puryear, LCSW, CEDS of Abundance Practice-Building

Allison Puryear Abundance Practice BuildingAllison Puryear is an LCSW with a nearly diagnosable obsession with business development. She has started practices in three different cities and wants you to know that building a private practice is shockingly doable when you have a plan and support. You can download a free private practice checklist to make sure you have your ducks in a row, get weekly private practice tips, and join the Abundance Practice-Building Group to gain the confidence and tools you need to succeed.


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