How a Male Therapist Can Market to Teenage Girls and Parents Without Looking Creepy

Abundant Practice Podcast Allison Puryear

How a Male Therapist Can Market to Teenage Girls and Parents How a Male Therapist can Market to Teenage Girls and Parents Without Looking Creepy

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In this week's episode, 'How a Male Therapist Markets to Teenage Girls and Parents Without Looking Creepy', we discuss:
  • Address your ideal niche head on.
  • Showing awareness in the daily dynamic of young women with anxiety.
  • Being mission-driven to get people onboard.
  • You don’t have to identify as female to help empower young women.
  • Being aware of what’s happening in our world right now and how to work with it.
  • Subtle language on your website can help speak to the gender expectations and safety of your practice.

Highly Sensitive Therapist Retreat

Podcast Transcript

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How a Male Therapist Markets to Teenage Girls and Parents Without Looking Creepy

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Cody Higgs of Cody Higgs Counseling

Cody Higgs, LCPCody Higgs is a Licensed Professional Counselor w/ Mental Health Service Provider designation located in Franklin, TN, just outside of Nashville. Before beginning private practice in January 2015, he worked in a school-based program with students age 5-21, ranging from inner city Nashville to rural southern Middle Tennessee. Through the years, Cody has honed in on his niche of working with adolescents and young adults struggling with anxiety. He also offers Walk and Talk therapy as part of linking benefits of physical activity and therapy. He spends his time outside the office training for ultra endurance running, obstacle course racing, and spending time with family and friends. Cody is the dad of the cutest 3-year-old you’ll ever see and the husband to an awesome industrial engineer who’s taught him how to plan and organize - both of which are helpful for private practice.

Allison Puryear, LCSW, CEDS of Abundance Practice-Building

Allison Puryear Abundance Practice BuildingAllison Puryear is an LCSW with a nearly diagnosable obsession with business development. She has started practices in three different cities and wants you to know that building a private practice is shockingly doable when you have a plan and support. You can download a free private practice checklist to make sure you have your ducks in a row, get weekly private practice tips, and join the Abundance Practice-Building Group to gain the confidence and tools you need to succeed.

1 comment

Allison Puryear

I get that concern. I'm working under the assumption that those protections are already in place; that the people listening are the kind of therapists we trust. It's a valid concern that a lot of wonderful male-identified therapists have. After telling a few great, feminist, male providers I know about the conversation after we recorded, they were eager to hear it. Their main concern, like Cody's, is that they want to help the teens and parents feel safe so they can do their great work.
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