Ask Allison 111: License Supervision

The Abundant Practice Podcast


I’m so glad I’m getting more Ask Allison questions about supervision: how to get it, where to find it, how to offer it. We all benefit from supervision and I want to make sure great supervisors get great supervisees and vice versa. This week I cover group supervision, finding supervisees, and the CYA parts of starting a supervision business. Yep, that’s a business even if you’re still in hospital, community, or agency, supervision on the side is a business.


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Allison Puryear, LCSW, CEDS of Abundance Practice-Building

Hi! I’m Allison Puryear (rhymes with “career”). If you’ve been within 10 feet of me, you may know that I’m as passionate about practice building as I am about helping my clients change their lives. However, you should know that I did not come into private practice easily. 
After nearly burning out at agencies, I built successful private practices in three different states & I realized I had a knack for helping other therapists do the same. I’ve done the work to figure out the logistics of building sustainable, full, & happy practices. I know I can help you do the same.Allison Puryear Abundance Practice Building



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