Staying Positive When the Phone Stays Silent

A positive and inquisitive mindset is vital to private practice. When the phone doesn’t ring, it can feel like all that internal naysaying is amplified, and you feel like you’re losing your momentum.

Staying positive is important, but so is effective marketing. My friend, if you have not had any calls in a few months, we have some marketing work to do. And that's ok. This is a fairly easy problem to solve, so before you spend one second more beating yourself up, let’s approach this like a math problem you know how to do. 10 + 10 = 20. If you haven't already niched down your practice or figured out your ideal population, do it. Don't wait a day longer. It doesn't have to be the perfect niche you spend the rest of your life serving. Choose a niche you know you do good work with and market in the way they understand, the way they describe their pain.

Throw out grad school language. Bring in in-session language that speaks to their pain points but isn’t too heavy or feels clinical.

You know your clients just like you know 10+10=20. You already communicate with them in life-changing ways. Marketing is communicating some of that one-on-one talk publicly. It shows potential clients that you get it.

So, we need your phone to ring. First, choose a niche. Second, create a website that speaks clearly about the day-to-day struggles and hopes of one ideal client. Third, network with the professionals your ideal clients would go to first and other therapists. 

This only feels like an impossible dream when you don’t know what your next step is. If you can get through grad school, you can learn how to market effectively & consistently in ways you don’t hate. Filling your practice is entirely, completely doable. 

If you need some help, check out the Abundance Party!
