Episode #417: The 4 C's of Therapist Self Care, feat. Dr. Karen Dyck & Dr. Melissa Tiessen
Dr. Karen Dyck & Dr. Melissa Tiessen join Allison on today's podcast to discuss why therapists - who discuss self care all the time - often struggle with it themselves, plus why redefining self care is so vital.
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About Dr. Karen Dyck & Dr. Melissa Tiessen:
We are Dr. Karen Dyck & Dr. Melissa Tiessen, two mid-career(ish!) psychologists working in private practice. We started Intentional Therapist out of a recognition that self-care is so incredibly important for the work that we do as mental health clinicians, and yet we get little to no training in this area. We also recognized that there are some unique factors specific to being female that can make self-care all the more challenging. So we decided to create something that could allow us all to redefine what it truly means to take care of ourselves - our best tools! - and thrive in this work.
Our mission is to help female mental health clinicians move from simply surviving to thriving in both our work and personal roles, and finally create the kind of life from which we don't need to escape. Our hope is that through Intentional Therapist we can normalize self-care in all it's forms (because it's not just bubble baths and massages), foster a dialogue about its foundational importance, and create a thriving community of like-minded female mental health clinicians. And have a little fun along the way!
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