Episode #505: Private Practice with ADHD, feat. Frankie Berkoben

Guest Frankie Berkoben joins Allison in today's episode to share how to design your own systems based on your specific needs & strengths, how to understand the considerations that impact systems, & how to use the 5 Ds: do, delete, delegate, disappoint & defer.

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About Frankie Berkoben:

Frankie Berkoben is a highly-respected executive coach and speaker, empowering twice-exceptional (hella smart) ADHD professionals in tech to design lives that work WITH their brains not against them.

As a speaker, she has captivated audiences at Fortune 500 tech companies, Top Three management consulting firms and at ADHD conferences. She presents on ADHD in the Workplace, Design Thinking For Your ADHD, the Shame Of Being Smart, and Niching Down & Scaling Up Without Burning Out (for ADHD mental health professionals).

Through corporate and cohort-based ADHD coaching, Frankie helps clients develop their unique brand of leadership, build self-sustaining support systems and leverage their ADHD strengths to experience more agency & flow.

Discover more at www.franklyquiteadhd.com and www.adhdcoachcollective.com. To start designing a life that brings out your sparkle, check out your free lil’ gift at https://star.franklyquiteadhd.com/