Episode #547: 3 Ways to Scale a Thriving Group Practice, feat. Nicole McCance

Nicole McCance joins Allison in today's episode to discuss hiring the right employees for company success, leveraging digital marketing for client attraction, improving client retention and admin support, plus the power of community and professional growth.

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Nicole is a Psychologist (retired) turned Business Coach for therapists scaling to a group practice.  She expanded her private practice to 55 therapists and multiple 7 figures in 3 years (with toddler twins at home). Nicole sold her clinic in the 4th year and then retired as a Psychologist in her 5th year. She now teaches therapists how to help more people, make more money and have more freedom following her proven method.

The Business Savvy Therapist podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-business-savvy-therapist/id1681659688

IG: https://www.instagram.com/nicole.mccancemethod/

Free Masterclass: https://members.mccancemethod.com/masterclass-registration/

Free Expand Your Practice Starter Kit: https://members.mccancemethod.com/discover-how-to-expand-your-psychotherapy-practice-in-3-easy-steps/
