Episode #471: Therapist Groundhog Day, feat. Katie Read

In today's podcast, Katie Read joins Allison to discuss the problem with “therapy as a calling” plus how to know when to start something new.

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About Katie Read:

Katie takes lessons from her nearly-20 successful years in the field to help clinicians grow...then OUTgrow...their practices. 

Immediately upon licensure, Katie was made Director of a large Transitional Aged Youth program in Oakland, CA. Later, she was recruited to Direct one of Sacramento’s largest Wraparound Programs, and from there she moved into the role of Director of Clinical Supervision, personally supervising 40+ interns towards licensure. 

Concurrently, Katie had private practices in multiple cities, taught graduate psychology students, and wrote and created therapist training materials. 

She is the creator of:

The Clinician to Coach® Academy,

The Clini-Coach® Certification,

and the Six-Figure Flagship® Program. 

Katie helps other helping professionals step into their biggest lives…so they can serve in the biggest ways. 
