The Abundant Practice Podcast & Blog Spot!

Be Your Own Biller

Abundant Practice Podcast Allison Puryear

Be Your Own Biller

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In this week's podcast, we discuss:

Insurance Mini-Training

  • How NOT to decide whether or not to take insurance
  • Getting self-righteous about whether or not you take insurance isn’t cool
Danielle discuss…

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Podcast Format Changes

Abundant Practice Podcast Allison Puryear

Podcast Format Changes

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In this episode, Allison discusses changes to the Abundant Practice Podcast format.

Podcasts will come out on Wednesdays.

  • The 1st Wednesday of the month we’ll have a mini-training based on the issues I hear come up the most.
  • The 2nd Wednesdays will be a mini-consultation just like the Consult Mondays y…

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You're Already a Good Writer

If you’re a therapist you’ve already got most of the skills necessary to be a writer, too. You’re likely:

  • Curious about people;
  • Interested in sharing information and inspiration; and
  • Able to construct a coherent narrative.

That means if you want to write, you should. And if you decide to write and want to get it out there for the rest of the world to read and get paid for it, you should do that, too. Before becoming a therapist I made my living as a freelance writer, which included a 4-y…

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Money Mindset Mini Training

Abundant Practice Podcast Allison Puryear

Part One | Money Fears and Blocks

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For Part One of this mini training, we discuss:
  • Working with your fears and blocks when you raise your rates.
  • The importance of being aware of what you need to charge your clients to survive.
  • It’s not unethical to raise your rates.

Fun with fees calculator

Abundance Par…

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Stuck on the Niche Question

You’ve probably heard a thousand times that a niche is really important in building a private practice. Maybe you resisted it. Maybe you wanted to embrace it but couldn’t decide who you wanted to choose. Then you read another thing that harps on the need for a niche. And another. And all the sudden the pressure is mounting and you start to think that if you don’t pick the perfect niche it’s all going to be an awful, terrible shameful shell of a practice.


Take a breath. I got your back.


A niche I…

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How I'm Getting a Life

In last week's blog I talked about how my business had started eating my life. In the last few weeks I’ve felt more like myself than I have in years. In case you need to re-find your non-work self, I’m sharing what’s helped me: A List of All Great Things:

  1. I’m almost to the point where I can leave at 4PM everyday instead of 5. I’ve tried all these hacks for meals (Blue Apron, Terra’s Kitchen, already made meal delivery) and it took me until a couple weeks ago before I was like “wait- why creat…

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Is Your Practice Eating Your Life?

I’ve blogged through miscarriages, and stockpiled enough blogs to last me through a maternity leave. I’ve blogged through sickness and varying degrees of anxiety. I’ve blogged through and about being sued. I’ve blogged through a lot of fear and not-enoughness. I’ve blogged through buying and moving into a new home and sick kids and sick family members. Consistency is one of the most accurate measures of whether or not a business prospers. I get an A+, good for me. And I’m also about to make a ca…

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Loneliness in Private Practice

Y’all may know I’m an outgoing extravert. I love, love, love being with people. Going into business for myself was not exactly the smartest social move I could make, or so I thought as I was planning my first full time practice. I feared I would wither away in my office by myself. I feared the lack of meetings (which I hated) and the few minutes in between sessions chatting with colleagues would wear on me and I’d be like a hermit during work hours. Then I’d come home to a studying husband who m…

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Guest Blog: How to Make Weekly Blogging Ridiculously Easy and Fun

How to Make Weekly Blogging Ridiculously Easy and Fun by Natalie Moore

As private practitioners, we know the benefits of blogging for our practice.

1) It builds our website’s S.E.O., making it easier for our ideal client to find us.

2) It helps clients get to know us, starting the therapeutic relationship before a phone call is even made.

3) We build an audience to connect with over time that we can offer additional services to – should we choose to publish a book, launch an eCourse, etc.

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Money Nuts & Bolts | Training with Linzy Bonham

Abundant Practice Podcast Allison Puryear

Consult Monday

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For Consult Monday, we discuss:
  • Looking at your money and inherited habits.
  • The effect of knowing what’s happening with your money.
  • How to make good financial choices for your business.
  • Structure and separating your business and personal finances.

Profit First

Linzy Bon…

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Due to a website migration, historic links pre-fall 2022 may be broken; please get in touch for new links. Please also note that historic podcast episodes may contain out-of-date information and highlight sponsors that we no longer work with.